Trainers who work in gyms are challenged to maintain their business within the restrictions of the company’s business model. While this typically is the bigger challenge to the industry outlined above, and just making a living given these economics is a challenge, the more direct challenge to trainers working in gyms is meeting the demands of their managers. These are typically related to the number of billed hours they do, renewals and efficiency, but with few tools to actually improve them.
Can use Trainer+ within the confines of the gym’s business model
Offer a range of services if your employer provides flexibility in packages
Use it to more accurately track client progress in order to help renewals and referrals
To see the benefits of a group solution, see the Facilities section
Can be sold and implemented in assessment and trial process
Offer multiple options based on goals and timeline for different levels and services to fit all potential customers’ budgets
Can use Trainer+ to give a first program as part of gym orientation process and ensure a reassessment appointment
Can also be implemented just as part of the regular training service
Track workouts when working with the client
Assign homework on days away from you
Have a place to share progress and track compliance